Warning: Declaration of CachedTemplate::fetch($cacheId) should be compatible with Template::fetch($resource_name = NULL, $cache_id = NULL, $compile_id = NULL, $display = false) in /home/blaogycom/public_html/class/template/cachedtemplate.class.php on line 41

Warning: Declaration of CachedTemplate::display($cacheId) should be compatible with Template::display($resource_name, $cache_id = NULL, $compile_id = NULL) in /home/blaogycom/public_html/class/template/cachedtemplate.class.php on line 75
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Tonga soa Maheriloha!

maheriloha | 07 Martsa, 2006 06:24

Ity no lahatsoratra voalohany ao amin'ny blaoginao. Azonao fafaina na ovaina ao amin'ny Toeran'ny mpandrindra ity lahatsoratra andrana ity.
Misaotra anao mampiasa ny Blaogy.
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